

“The HypnoBirthing® view of birth is that it is a natural extension of the sexuality of a man and women, and, therefore, we believe that birth is about them. It is about family fulfillment.” 


What is HypnoBirthing®?

HypnoBirthing® is both technique and philosophy combined to help create a rewarding, relaxing, and stress free method of birthing. It is based on the belief that all babies should come into this world joyfully, calmly, and gently. When practiced correctly, mother can summon her natural birthing instincts and experience this kind of birthing using the tools of self-hypnosis, breathing techniques, and visualization for deep relaxation.

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Is HypnoBirthing® Right For Me?

Are you searching for a birth experience that is less invasive for you and your baby–one that will give you more confidence than other experiences that your friends and relatives may have had? HypnoBirthing® supports a mother’s decision to birth however she chooses. HypnoBirthing® can be applied within a hospital setting, birthing center or home birth.  Mothers drawn to HypnoBirthing® have been searching for a way that helps them to experience the birth they envision.

What Does Hypnosis Have To Do With Birth?

 Hypnosis is the process of learning how to allow yourself to relax your body and go into your subconscious mind. The Subconscious mind is where fears of birth are imprinted. In HypnoBirthing® we practice hypnosis to eliminate previous horror stories of birth and replace them with positive thoughts of birthing. This creates a positive mindset and prepares you for a positive outcome. Don’t get hung up on the name ‘hypno.’ Hypnosis is a focused state of concentration; you are fully in control, conscious and aware of your surroundings. You are not in an eerie trance state or being mind controlled. 

Is It True That I Will Experience A Pain-free Birth With HypnoBirthing®?

HypnoBirthing® does not promise you’ll have a pain free birth but mothers do often report to having relatively pain-free births by birthing with out fear. Fear creates adrenaline, which causes the uterus to tense, and there for causes insufficient oxygen and blood flow to the uterus. This causes the pain commonly felt during a contraction. However, when mothers use the tools given to them and maintain a calm, relaxed state they are less likely to feel pain and more likely to experience sensations of pressure or tightening.

How Is My Birth Companion Involved?

If you have a birth companion, we will make them an essential part of your HypnoBirthing® experience.  They will practice with mom in helping her to prepare for deep relaxation. During labor they will guide the laboring mother with relaxing techniques, deepening methods, light touch massage, and can be a part of receiving  baby.

What If I Decide To Get An Epidural Or Cesarean?

One of the misconceptions about HypnoBirthing is that it is only for women who want a drug free childbirth. Often, many HypnoBirthing mothers do choosed unmedicated birthing. However, HypnoBirthing teaches techniques that are very helpful in having a successful delivery no matter what your birth plan or circumstances are. The tools and education you receive from classes empower you to make the best choices for you and your baby.

Why Choose HypnoBirthing®?

More and more, moms are learning about the benefits of using this method and understanding why it has become so popular over the years. HypnoBirthing® offers a healthy alternative to the way we view birth today. This research was taken from moms who used HypnoBirthing®  This data was provided by the HypnoBirthing® Institute, between 2005-2010

Natural birth  

Birthed under 8 hours

C section (National ave. 32%)

Home Birth (National ave. <1%)

Birth Center (National ave. <1%)

Epidural Use (National ave. 64%)

HypnoBirthing® Class Layout


Welcome Letter
Enrollment Agreement
Ten Ways to Achieve a Gentle HypnoBirthing
Parent’s Responsibilities
Course Outline
Parents Blessing
Mother’s Affirmations
A mother’s conversation
Partners Affirmations
Daddy’s Promise


Rainbow Relaxation Script
Progressive Relaxation Handout
Emotion and Fear Release Worksheet
Birthing Styles and Approaches
Birthing Preferences

CLASS three

Opening Rose
Birth Companion’s Deepening Script
Mother’s Ultra Depth Practice Script
Birth Preferences Sheet
Perineal Stretching Massage

CLASS four

Informed Decisions
Birth Companions Prompt Card

CLASS five

Forest Fantasy Metaphor Script
Balloon Trip Outline
Fourth Trimester
Door Sign